
Mercer, Lisa, and Terresa Moses. Racism Untaught: Revealing and Unlearning Racialized Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, Manuscript Release October 2023. Foreword by Cheryl D. Miller.

Book Chapters

Mercer, Lisa, and Terresa Moses, “Racism Untaught, Learning and Unlearning Racialized Design,” in Design Studies Practice. In press. (London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury, 2022).

Mercer, Lisa, and William Bullock, “Octagonal Research Globe for Prototyping Emergent Immersive Reality Experiences,” in Prototyping Across the Disciplines, p.121-139 (Bristol, United Kingdom: Intellect, 2019).
ISBN: 9781789381801.

Journal Articles

Mercer, Lisa Elzey, Angelica Sibrian, Nekita Thomas, and Terresa Moses, (2023). “Designing Collective Racial Healing Spaces.” The International Journal of Diversity in Education 23 (1): 67-86. doi:10.18848/2327-0020/CGP/v23i01/67-86.

Moses, Terresa, and Lisa Mercer. “Examining the Influence of Positionality on the Facilitation of Design Processes,” Dialectic, vol. 3, no.1, (2022): DOI: 10.3998/dialectic.14932326.0003.105.

Mercer, Lisa Elzey., and D. McDonagh. “The Pedagogy of Discomfort: Transformational Experiential Learning,” DISCERN: International Journal of Design for Social Change, Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship, vol. 2, no. 2, (2021): p. 22-35.

Mercer, Lisa Elzey. “Design-led Social Innovation in Human Trafficking,” Design Management Institute Journal, vol. 1, (2019): p. 43-49. DOI: 10.1111/dmj.12050.

Mercer, Lisa Elzey, and Terresa Moses. “Identifying Racialized Design to Cultivate a Culture of Awareness in Design,” The Design Journal, vol. 22, sup. 1, (2019): p. 1399-1407. DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2019.1594965.

Ferronato, Priscilla, and L. Mercer, J. Roberts-Smith, and S. Ruecker. “Living Labs and the DH Centre: Lessons for Each Other,” KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies, vol. 3, no. 1, (2019): p.14. DOI:10.5334/kula.46.

Mercer, Lisa. “Experience Design for Reporting Human Trafficking.” Diseña vol. 13, (2018): p. 208-233. DOI: 10.7764/disena.13.208-233.

Conference Proceedings

Mercer, Lisa, and Angelica, Sibrian, Nekita Thomas, Terresa Moses, “Designing Collective Racial Healing Spaces,” International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference, (2023).

Moses, Terresa, and Lisa Mercer, “We Missed the Mark: The Impacts of Well- Intentioned, but Racist, Design,” Memory Full? Re-imagining the relations between design and history: The Design History Society, (2021).

Mercer, Lisa, and Terresa Moses, “The Ethics and Knowing a Shared Intention in Design,” Cumulus, International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design, and Media, (2021), p. 2058-2065.

Moses, Terresa, and Lisa Mercer, “Racialized Design and Shared Intention,” Participatory Design Conference, (2020), p. 249-251.

Salamanca, Juan and Lisa Mercer, Molly Briggs, “Design for Responsible Innovation,” International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference, (2019), p. 218-229.

Moon, Eunmi, and Lisa Mercer, Deana McDonagh, Sheila Schneider, “Designing for Inclusive Learning Experience,” E3 Universal Design Practice Conference III, Design and Ergonomics, Designing of Inclusive Learning Experience, (2019), p. 138-152. ISBN: 9788891797780.

Mercer, Lisa, and Terresa Moses, “Racism Untaught Workshop Revealing & Unlearning Racialized Design Using Design Research,” Decipher, AIGA Design Educators Research Conference, (2018), p.135-145.
ISBN: 9781607856160.

Mercer, Lisa, “Design-led Social Innovation in Human Trafficking,” 21st Academic Design Management Conference, Next Wave, (2018), p. 917-923.

Mercer, Lisa, “Fight Against Human Trafficking,” Unfrozen, Swiss Design Network, Triest Verlag, (2018), p. 173-194.

Mercer, Lisa, “Design-led Interdisciplinary Research for Social Innovation,” Cumulus, International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design, and Media: Diffused Transition & Design Opportunities, (2018), p. 679-686.

Mercer, Lisa, “Riding Shotgun in the Fight Against Human Trafficking,” Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference, (2016), p. 365-378.

Mercer, Lisa, “Operation Compass, Riding Shotgun in the Fight Against Human Trafficking,” Inflection Point Design Research Meets Design Practice, Design Management Institute, (2016), p. 2543-2558.

Mercer, Lisa, “Riding Shotgun. Supporting Truck Drivers with a Method of Anonymously Reporting Incidents of Child Trafficking” Mobility Justice & Sexual Nobilities: 12th Annual Conference International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic, and Mobility, (2014).